Labradorite Palm Stone (#147)

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Labradorite Palm Stone 

Origin: Madagascar
Weight: 86 grams 
Approx. Dimensions: 2.375"x1.75"x.375"

💜Labradorite is known as a stone that aids in times of transition and change. Inuit folklore says that labradorite fell from the "frozen fire" of the aurora borealis (the northern lights) causing an ordinary stone to become extraordinary. It is said to weaken the negative side of our personality and strengthen the positive. Each and every piece is truly magical and I feel so honored to get to share all of this beauty with you! ♡ To read more about this amazing stone visit this site:

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*Please note: this is a natural gem that will have imperfections. There are a few small chips and nicks. Natural beauty <3 This piece was photographed in natural lighting and held at the proper angles to show full flash potential.


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