Ocean Jasper Palm Stones - Choose your Favorites

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  • $12.50
  • Regular price $25.00

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Ocean Jasper Palm Stones
      • Origin: Madagascar
      • Weight:  35-38 grams each
      • Approximate Dimensions of each piece: 1.75"x1.375"x.25"
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Beautiful Ocean Jasper is only found one place in the world, Madagascar. There are only a few deposits on the island and many deposits can only be reached by boat, making ocean jasper a wonderfully rare stone. Ocean Jasper is said to relieve stress & bring peace & tranquility. The beautiful orbicular patterns that you see in ocean jasper begin as three-dimensional orbs. When cut, you see the cross-section of the stone, so the orbs leave round and flower-like patterns in the stone. Ocean jasper can also form with druzy inclusions. 


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*Please note: Photos were taken in natural lighting. This is a natural gem that will have imperfections.

Ocean Jasper Collection from Simply Affinity