Congo Citrine Cluster (#1)

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Congo Citrine
  • Weight: 79.8 grams 
  • Approx. Dimensions: 55mm x 45mm x 20mm
  • Origin: Congo

Congo citrine very rare, as it is only found in one area of Congo. It is considered to be of the highest quality natural citrine. Congo Citrine can range from a very pale golden color to almost a black smoky color. This piece is a beautiful smoky golden color, and is completely raw & unpolished.

Citrine is a happy stone. It can bring happiness to the person who carries or wears it. Because of its removal of negative energy, it can relieve depression, self-doubt, anger, and irrational mood swings. It allows you to remain positive as well as raise self-esteem & self-confidence. Citrine attracts prosperity, success, and all good things. Citrine is a great all-encompassing stone for staying positive and attracting success.

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*Please note: this is a natural gem that will have imperfections. There are a few small chips and nicks. Natural beauty <3 This piece was photographed in natural lighting.